Wednesday 4 July 2012

Sweet Love Story ♥

Girl's Version
First Day :I saw an idiot sleeping
on the front bench..
Second Day:Saw the same idiot
getting punished..
Third Day:He was fighting with a
Fourth Day :I couldn't find
him...Where is he...

Boy's Version
First day :When i opened my
eyes...I saw her smile..
Second day :I got punished so
that i could see her all the while..
Third Day :A boy said somethng
about liking her
Fourth Day :I was sitting on the
last bench..
And she turned to find me...
And We smiled :) ♥♥ 

Monday 2 July 2012

I asked God for...

I asked God for a flower, he gave me a bouquet
I asked God for a minute, he gave me a day
I asked God for true love, he gave me that too
I asked for an angel and he gave me you.

- John Raine -

Value of Love

She Gave me lots of Love,
I thought thats Enough.

She took me as God Gifted,
I took her for Granted.
because of my Ego

I Asked her to go
She asked me why,

I said dont love you any more.
I didnt know her value when she was Around
And when I Realized her value she was under the Ground…

So Respect the Feeling of the Person
Who Loves You..

A hug is..

A hug is a handshake from the heart.

I want you..

I want you today,
and tommorrow,
and next week...

And for the Rest of my life!


Relationship is not about caring in the beginning but loving each other more and more with each passing day... its not about never fighting but with how less time you both take to forget the fight 'n love back...... ♥

Both need to put in some efforts... because a relationship is for two people... not just one sided sacrifice... both need to show they love each other and are important in their lives....... !! ♥ ♥

Don't lose someone who loves you so much just because of other priorities in life... bcoz if you won't have your love beside you... success and other happiness won't matter much........ !!!

Always hold that hand tightly who loves you with all his/her heart and never let go in any case, because later in life you may realize your mistake but at that time he/she may not be their waiting for you !!!

I am 4ever ur's.. ♥♥

I am 4ever ur's.. ♥♥
I love without knowing how
I love with the depths of my soul
I love with all i am & all i have
I love without eyes or sound
For my love is blind & deaf
I love with the gentleness of my heart
I love with the only passion known to me
I love with desire of u & me
I love so much that we as 2 become 1
I love without judgement
I love with mind,body & soul.
I love in sickness & in health 4 all eternity
For all that i am
all that i have & all that i willever be ♥♥


Sometimes, all a girl wants is for you to
fight for her,,,,
Make her believe that you may want
this relationship more than she
does. ♥♥♥